Thursday, June 5, 2008

Getting to Sleep

One day you will know so many strange facts about me that you will simply want to stop reading my blog in hopes of preserving your own normalcy.

Today's fact: I really have a hard time getting my butt into bed when Tim is not home. It doesn't matter that I'm tired. It doesn't matter that I have to get up early for work tomorrow. It doesn't matter that I've checked off everything on today's to-do list and I am no longer good for anything productive.

The truth is, if he came home NOW, I would get a hug and cuddle for approximately two minutes before I fell hard into dream world.

I'm thinking I have to grow out of this eventually, but it has been 1 1/2 years, and so far, no luck in that department. However, right now, I'm thinking I'll savor it. Because maybe one day, things will be different. Different can mean a lot of things, but I'm thinking that right now I'll savor the feeling that says I am enmeshed in someone else's life and things don't feel complete at this very moment. It reminds me that I am a part of something intricate and even breath-taking.

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