Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy Monday

It's a great day here in Crazy Town.

I love Mondays.
Oops.Let me rephrase that.

I love the beginning of anything. I'm a fan of the beginning of a "new" month, week, year, project, or recipe. There's just so much possibility in the start of something new. (Am I being a little too sunny for a Monday morning? Please feel free to plug your ears and hum as necessary.)

One of the biggest lies that have tripped me up in life is, "oops. you missed perfection today, better start tomorrow." Somehow, I also bought into the idea that because I am not perfect, then the logical reasoning would be that I have failed. If I have already failed, I might as well continue "failing" (and also wallowing in my mistakes)and then give "perfection" another try tomorrow. It is this kind of thinking that kept me in a (clearly) unhealthy binging habit for 4 or 5 years.

What brought me freedom is the thought that I can make better choices at any moment. I can choose not to inhale an entire bag of chocolate. I can choose to react differently to situations that bother me. I can choose to have a better attitude. Every moment is new. Those moments may hold some carried-over consequences, but every moment is a chance to build on something different. Better. Maybe no one will notice right away when I choose to change my attitude from bad to good, but I know, and eventually, the new moments can become old. They can become the way things are.

So, I like Mondays. I love Mondays. I lvoe the possibilities of the next moment. Because they give my perfection-driven personality some freedom, some room to breath, some room to truly live. Right now, in this moment.

1 comment:

katie said...

If I ever write something so beautiful, well, I'm not really sure what I will do.