Friday, April 25, 2008

Bed Time Thoughts

I'm craving a blog entry, but am not sure what to write about or even how to write it.
Right now, I feel like I am missing someone or something, but I really don't know what it is. I just have that "missing" feeling. I probably just need to go to bed. I have been a sleeping machine lately.

I've realized that I like to write most often when I am feeling challenged, when I feel tension, or am frustrated. I'm a processor, and writing out my thoughts is like therapy for me. So, for the few people that read my blog, I am a mostly dissatisfied woman. That's ok. It's ok for people to know "Blog Sarah." I've also realized I'm grateful for the tension, the dissatisfaction, the wrestling. I learn a lot through those times. I refine who I am. It's hard for me to point the correct words to it right now, when I "should" be sleeping. But. I think it goes somewhere along the lines of the idea that, if I were never faced with hardships, I might think that all of life was sweet. But I might never know what real love is, because I couldn't see what it was not. I might never be able to put my self in someone else's shoes, because I never would have been there. I might never build character because I would have little reason to.

Which is why I've become somewhat pleased with the aggravated feeling.

1 comment:

Jason Mitchell said...

I know we have only virtually met, which is way creepy in some respects, but I told Tim last night that you really need to submit some of your work. You have a good sense of writing and I think people would resonate with it.

So get on it!

Hey thanks for sharing Tim on Tuesday nights this semester. It was a great class!