Friday, February 12, 2010

Did you know that I love Valentine's Day?
I don't really go for the heart-shaped box of chocolates, roses, and doilies side of things, but I really like celebrating love. I like celebrating friendships, marriages, family members. I like celebrating life. To me, the two are intertwined. So, most Februaries, I get a little googly-eyed over everyone who loves me, every one who I am in the middle of cultivating relationships with. I gush a little.

And then I throw a party.

This year, I invited about 20 women, ranging in age from eighteen to fifty-something, from my church who I have been in close contact with in recent months. I told them, "Valentine's Day isn't just for couples, Ladies!" And then I waited.

And what I discovered made me smile. Because I found out that there are some women who are just craving girl time. They spend their days with children (who they love very much!) or working multiple jobs, and they do their tasks, their jobs, their assignments well. But sometimes? They just need to be filled up with a little conversation, laughter, and food. Girl time. It's almost funny that sometimes I think I'm the only one.

And it makes me smile(because I am laughing at myself)when I realize that the things I really love to do (cooking, hosting parties, bringing people together), the things that I have spent so much time thinking and telling myself are not good enough, not important enough are needed. They are needed for the mothers who see few adults during the day, for the women craving a good laugh, for the women who need to be reinvigorated. For the women who need a little encouragement.

I need them. Because when I invite someone in to my house to share a meal. When I spend time choosing recipes, cooking, and preparing to make someone feel welcome, taken care of, and comfortable, that is when I am recharged and when I feel most full of life and joyful.

I was wondering where my joy went.

1 comment:

sarah diama said...

hey sarah! (meant to comment on this before!) Sounds like you had a lovely time :) so glad you did it and enjoyed some 'girl time' it IS important. I'm curious about what you ended up cooking for everyone!?! (if you have a minute!) xoxo