Thursday, October 29, 2009

How Sweet it Is

It's National Oatmeal Day!
Of course, I didn't remember to take a picture of my fabulous oatmeal concoction while I had the camera at home, so I am asking you to trust me that I ate a big bowl of awesome this morning.

What went in:
1/3 cup oats
2/3 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 very thinly sliced banana, cooked in
the rest of my pumpkin puree
a big spoonful of (natural!) peanut butter
a small handful of ghirardelli 60% cacao chocolate chips

But even BETTER than oatmeal day...
I hopped on our home scale yesterday on a whim. The number was a little higher than I hoped it would be. I also got weighed in at the doctor's office in the afternoon. I didn't look at the number, but the nurse announced it to me (I can't remember this ever happening before!). Of course, by then, I had had lots of waters, two meals, and I was fully clothed, so the number was even higher.
And I DIDN'T CARE. Not at all. I feel good in my own skin, I (usually) eat well, and I have (finally!) embraced the idea that I have been trying to drill into my own head: being healthy is about quality of life (and not about how "pretty" the number on the scale sounds).

I looks like I have gotten a little healthier in the head:).

1 comment:

sarah diama said...

Hi Sarah! I love oatmeal and can't believe I had no idea it was oatmeal day! silly silly. Also, Glad your head is getting healthier! :) You're right about being healthy and the 'pretty' number thing! Just another reason I can't have a scale in our house... I love you! xoxox thanks for the encouragement