Tuesday, October 20, 2009

There is a line from a particular song by Jon Foreman that says, "Father Time steals our days like a thief." It keeps playing in my head. Just that line. Not the one after or before it. Truth be told, I can't even remember what those lines are.

But it really doesn't matter because it's that line that feels so true to me these days. It seems like there is at least one person every week who asks me, "Doesn't this week feel slow?" No, it doesn't! Lately, it seems like life is a speeding locomotive. Sometimes I am at the window, watching the scenery whiz past me, sometimes I am enjoying tea and a turkey sandwich with friends. But it's fast. The days, the weeks, the months roll into each other, so one of my priorities is to sit and enjoy the moment when life just keeps moving, moving, moving.

I am 24-years-old, and I remember holding my brother in the hospital when he was born almost 20 years ago. I remember saying that "I wonder what he'll be like when he grows up." Almost 20 years ago. While I used to fixate on the "next big thing" and hardly savor what was going on in my life, I don't make that mistake (as often) anymore. Because I know that one day I will just wake up and be a mother. A grandmother. And I hope that I will have played my part in this grand old story well.

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