Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Favorite Word

Joy is a beautiful word.

It's not happiness. It's not a mood, an emotion. It's something much richer than that. It's the difference between a tootsie roll and piece of high-quality dark chocolate.

It's in a Friday night spent in the kitchen with warm chocolate chip cookies and people I love. It's in a lazy Saturday afternoon after a long and full week. It's in the voice of 4-year-old Nora, the laugh of 6-year-old Alyssa, and the honesty of 10-year-old Michelle. It's in a sweet relationship built after a rocky start, time spent with my girls, and new friendships made at local businesses. It's in a hot cup of tea on a fall day, in making a good choice when no one is watching, and making somebody's day a little better.

"Let a joy keep you. Reach out and take it when it runs by." -Carl Sandburg, American Historian, poet, and novelist


Meredith said...

Great post! I love your definition of joy.

sarah diama said...

love it! Joy is such a gift from God. I'll never forget learning "happiness is a feeling, joy is an attitude - you can choose to have/be joy(ful) even when you're not happy!" Sounds like a sweet weekend, fall weather, tea, cookies, fellowship with those you love - wishing I was there too :)