Thursday, October 15, 2009

So This is Love

Last winter, during the bleakest, most tired days of the season, I fell in love with sandwiches. I ate them for three meals a day, on Thomas' whole wheat mini-square bagels. Mostly two different combinations. Whipped peanut butter, raisins and banana. And turkey sausage, eggs, and sharp cheddar. I was severely lacking in the vegetable department, but if it makes you feel a little better, I will tell you that I probably threw some spinach in there at times.

Recently, I have rediscovered that love. Partly because of time commitments, but also because there are so many combinations to be had that are tasty and healthy. One combination that I'm particularly proud of today?

My breakfast. Two tablespoons of White Chocolate Wonderful, one tablespoon of unsweetened shredded coconut, and a sliced banana, mixed up and spread between two slices of 12-grain bread, then refridgerated overnight to allow the flavors to meld.

I just might be repeating that one tomorrow.

1 comment:

sarah diama said...

White Chocolate Wonderful!?!?! Sounds amazing :)yum yum! I'll have to keep an eye out for that one.