Monday, October 26, 2009

Humble Beginnings

Humility is NOT my strong point.

There are times when I think, "ok, I'm going to make this right. I'm going to apologize and then we'll have this great heart-to-heart, and everything will be so much better." Here's the thing with my plans: they don't always work out how I think they should. Sometimes the person I am opening myself up to, the person I am apologizing to, doesn't apologize. Sometimes they take the opportunity to explain to me why their actions were justified and then launch into a mini-sermon.

That is when practicing humility (notice I didn't say being humble! I'm not there yet.) feels ICKY. I missed out on that heart connection. And really, what I wanted was an apology. I wanted the other person to reciprocate my vulnerability so that I didn't feel so vulnerable.

But, in all actuality, recognizing that about myself does make me feel better. It points out that I am still obsessing over the situation because I didn't get what I wanted. Knowing that helps me to let it go.

1 comment:

sarah diama said...

sweet entry Sarah, and hits close to home too. thanks for sharing :)